My Playlist
If you're looking for your own relaxing playlist, this is an excellent place to start:
Om Shanti - David & Steve Gordon
In the Spirit, Pt. 1 - Liquid Mind
Weightless - Marconi Union
Teach Me to Whisper - Liquid Mind
Journey Within - Saggio
Cymbolic - Acoustic Mandala Project
Oneness Blessing - Nahuel Schajris
Closer Than Breathing - Saggio
A Call of Compassion to Humanity - Nawang Khechog
Expanding Soul - Peter Davison
Consciousness Unfolding - Saggio
Meditation Music - Spa Music
Yoga Meditation - Spa Music
Music for Yoga - Spa Music
Yoga - Spa Music
In the Celtic Mist - Carlyle Fraser
Sivasana - Suzanne Sterling
Quiet Euphoria - Carlyle Fraser
Rejuvenation - Carlyle Fraser
An Air of Comfort - Carlyle Fraser
Purification - Carlyle Fraser
Ethereal Breath - Carlyle Fraser
Angels Awake - Carlyle Fraser
Healing Waters - Carlyle Fraser
The Peace Within - Carlyle Fraser
Warmed by the Sun - Carlyle Fraser
Dayrise - David R. Maracle
Follow Your Spirit - David R. Maracle
Water and Stone - David R. Maracle
The Gift - David R. Maracle
Healing - David R. Maracle
Beyond the Horizon - David R. Maracle
Dream Wisdom - David R. Maracle
Healing Through Kindness - Nawang Khechog
Clear Sky - Temmy Lewis
Far Away - Temmy Lewis
La Lune - Temmy Lewis
In the Spirit, Pt. 1 - Liquid Mind
Weightless - Marconi Union
Teach Me to Whisper - Liquid Mind
Journey Within - Saggio
Cymbolic - Acoustic Mandala Project
Oneness Blessing - Nahuel Schajris
Closer Than Breathing - Saggio
A Call of Compassion to Humanity - Nawang Khechog
Expanding Soul - Peter Davison
Consciousness Unfolding - Saggio
Meditation Music - Spa Music
Yoga Meditation - Spa Music
Music for Yoga - Spa Music
Yoga - Spa Music
In the Celtic Mist - Carlyle Fraser
Sivasana - Suzanne Sterling
Quiet Euphoria - Carlyle Fraser
Rejuvenation - Carlyle Fraser
An Air of Comfort - Carlyle Fraser
Purification - Carlyle Fraser
Ethereal Breath - Carlyle Fraser
Angels Awake - Carlyle Fraser
Healing Waters - Carlyle Fraser
The Peace Within - Carlyle Fraser
Warmed by the Sun - Carlyle Fraser
Dayrise - David R. Maracle
Follow Your Spirit - David R. Maracle
Water and Stone - David R. Maracle
The Gift - David R. Maracle
Healing - David R. Maracle
Beyond the Horizon - David R. Maracle
Dream Wisdom - David R. Maracle
Healing Through Kindness - Nawang Khechog
Clear Sky - Temmy Lewis
Far Away - Temmy Lewis
La Lune - Temmy Lewis